Check out this wonderful organization--Bead for Life. It is a group that sells beads by impoverished Ugandan women to empower them.
"BeadforLife began with a chance encounter between a woman who was sitting near her mud home and the founders, Torkin, Ginny, and Devin. They learned that there was no market for her beads and that the woman worked for a dollar a day in a rock quarry. They admired her paper beads and bought a few. Soon friends began to admire the beads and they realized that there might be a market after all. Classes were held to improve the quality of the beads and develop several different styles of necklaces and bracelets. In North America BeadforLife applied for non-profit status and began to develop it’s unique program of citizen participation in eradicating poverty. The wonderful Bead Circle of support sprung up and allowed BeadforLife to expand the programs. Our approach includes the income generation activities of making beads, but also offers programs in health, vocational training, entrepreneurial training, microfinance grants, and affordable housing."Check out their website to see how you can help by hosting your own bead party!
this is wonderful! i sell jewelry and use beads all the time in my pieces! thanks for sharing this!! :)
Very cool organization. There is a woman who sells Ugandan jewelry made in association with this program right around the corner from where I live - and it is beautiful. So, you know what you're getting for Christmas... ;)
Sweet. I can't wait! I think sustainable empowerment is the best way to make a difference. This teaches the women a marketable trade which they can do with local resources.
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