Sunday, May 30, 2010

There is not enough woo in the world!

The fake feminism of Sarah Palin

Today, however, Palin is happily adopting the feminist label. She's throwing support behind "mama grizzly" candidates, describing the large number of women in the "tea party" as evidence of a "mom awakening" and preaching girl power on her Facebook page.

It's not a realization of the importance of women's rights that's inspired the change. It's strategy. Palin's sisterly speechifying is part of a larger conservative move to woo women by appropriating feminist language. Just as consumer culture tries to sell "Girls Gone Wild"-style sexism as "empowerment," conservatives are trying to sell anti-women policies shrouded in pro-women rhetoric.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

For Love

When silence is not golden.

Keeping Score: University of Virginia tragedy could have been prevented

"People can't close their eyes anymore," Kaplan said. "They can't pretend it's not happening. I hope there will be more support on a state level and more specifically on each campus for mandatory, thorough education on gender-based violence.

"In the meantime, if students have friends who are in questionable relationships, they can't stay silent anymore."